Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Bells are Ringing...aka My Unofficial Alarm Clock

It is not the dogs or the birds that wake me up in the morning, sometimes as early as 5:30am but usually at about 6:00am, it is the prayer bells.  People go out to their balcony or worship area at the crack of dawn and give offerings to the gods and ring the bells, someone does this right next to my bathroom window EVERY morning, no reprieve for the weekend.  In Denver, it was the Pipmesiter who woke me up that early because he was hungry, now it is the bells, will I ever be able to sleep in past 6:00am???  After the bells, which continue throughout the morning, it is the birds and they are loud, I tell ya.  Everyone I Skype with can hear the birds in the background and comment.  Maybe I need to invest in some earplugs for the weekends.  Then after the birds, it is the dogs.....then the banging from my downstairs neighbors....then the fruit seller yelling to sell his bounty...then the trash guy....then the milk man....then the car is noisy but it makes me really feel like I am living in Kathmandu ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Thats the typical scenario of Kathmandu Valley Jenn.
    Where are you at the moment?
    (I was surfing Google and found your blog about my country, I thought I hop in and comment.)

